Friday, July 31, 2009

Is C# or is C++ Easier to Learn?

I'm not looking for quality. Which is easier to learn, C# or C++?

Is C# or is C++ Easier to Learn?
Like others said, C++ is more stable and has lots of information on it.

Of course, C# in the long run may be the newer and updated language of the future.

But C++ is still emerging and extremely popular. I'd go with it.
Reply:The simple answer would be: C# is easier to learn. But it's not that simple. There's a couple of ways to look at this: if you want to start making cool stuff as soon possible, then clearly C# is the winner here. Now, if the question is more about "fully learning" the language, it's not that clear. I still think, that C# is the answer here, but it's really up to discussion.

The fact, that C# is easier to learn, should not mean, that you should learn C# though. A lot of programming fundamentals are better learned through C++. C# is a higher level language - so, a lot of dirty stuff is getting done for you. For a programmer, it's still very important to understand that dirty stuff.
Reply:Personal opinion really. I think C++ but it depends..if you have time and want to impress your friends, learn PERL or PYTHON, and then your in buisness. it (once again) is all your opinion..
Reply:I think C++ because there's so much information about it, everyone can answer you questions.

But I'd still learn C# as it's the upgraded version of C++...


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