Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can learning about hardwoers helps me in c++?

hay evry body can learning about hardwoers helps me in c++

or other programing language and please put a link for lerning hardwoers specaly computer hardwoers please

Can learning about hardwoers helps me in c++?
Well,C++ is largely used for System programming.

So,Knowledge of Hardware will definetly help you utilize hardware constraints with C++.

But,if you dunno much about hardware yet you can learn those imp constraints while programming for some hardware.Its not manadatory to know about hardware in deep.Basic knowledge will do good.




i would suggest you to have this marvelous IDE

devc++ (look for it in google its free)

hope this helps

Reply:With respect to the poster above, C++ is used in a wide variety of System and Applications programming tasks. While knowledge of hardware can be helpful in learning any programming language, you really should try to keep in mind exactly what you are trying to do and for what: what architecture are you designing for? (If Windoze and Mac both use Intel chips, Sony's Playstation 3 is an awesomely cheap implementation of the Cell Processor though when you add the expenses they (reasonably) put on installing Linux on it isn't a bargain for a computer.) Even today it's good to learn more than a given manufacturer wants you to).

If you're trying to do basic database stuff (and that can include keeping track of your tunes or whatever) then sorting algorithms and other mathematical and logical things really are more useful topics than hardware. For systems programming and games, the hardware can be close to essential, but even there, you might be sure you understand C as well, because C++ is so good at data abstraction that C concepts are sometimes more useful for optimization.

This is true of Java, Javascript and VBScript and other modern languages: knowledge of hardware can be helpful but understanding of algorithms, of what you are trying to do and how, is more important.

Rather than give you actual sources for my argument I've linked to a couple of good simple introductions to what computer hardware is. I hope they help you.

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