Monday, July 27, 2009

Did u c "Learning From Hezbollah" by a US Marine?

I am surprised at his wisdom and ability to rise above bias... But i think an occupying force is an occupying

force and can never get naturalised...

The lesson is that you can never enslave a people for long.

Best bet would be to leave Iraqi's to their own fate after the devastation and let them piece it togther... and for US to hold its head in shame and beat retreat. What do you think of the article?

Did u c "Learning From Hezbollah" by a US Marine?
I think it is well written and true.

Our presence in Iraq prolongs the civil strife and more of our kids come back in body bags for absolutely nothing!

Screw the oil!!
Reply:I think that retreating would also cause a lot of hate among people that we chose to support in this conflict and a lot of this resembles how our past citizens felt about the revolutionary war. What if the few that wanted freedom gave up and gave in to England's totalitarian rule? I truly believe that the people in Iraq and arounf the Middle East want democracy, but there are a lot of violent factions that are there use the tactics of the death squads of the Nazi Regime in Germany You have to start somewhere, so there can be relative peace among all religions, which is seen in the US and Turkey. This conflict is really about power instead of religion. Religion is used to validate the struggle of small groups and instilled in the people who are raised in Jihad brainwashed groups. They need to realize that their religion in a democracy, like the ones in the US and Turkey, are open to everyone with peace and respect. American don't hate Islam because if we did we would protest and burn down mosques in many cities. Only then would they be able to spread the religion of Islam as a religion of peace. This is a struggle about what is right and wrong when it comes to human lives. The sooner the Islamic fanatics realize this, the sooner than can real peace around the world and this would allow their religion to prosper around to world who see Islam as a peaceful religion. I applaude your reasoning, but I don't think it solves the underlying problem.
Reply:Yes very well written. I don't completely agree with some of his statements though. The bottom line is that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization supported and founded by Iran and Syria.

The Lebanses are afraid of them much like the Iraqis are afraid of the terrorist warlords. They appear to support them by giving them supplies and so forth but do it strictly out of fear for their lives.

As far as leaving Iraqi's to their own fate...that would be horrible irresponsible but I understand why you say that.

The thing that you need to remember though is that its not the iraq's that are fighting us. It is iranians, Syrians and others that are the insurgents.

Without the NATO forces staying to protect them their country would be taken over within a month since their government is very weak and unstructured. We need to stay until Iraq can defend itself.


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