Monday, July 27, 2009

Good book for learning UML with C++?

I have a good grasp on C programming language, mainly advanced embedded C style programming. However, I really want to learn OOP programming and design practices. I have somewhat a decent understand of C++ OOP programming syntax and semantics but weak with the more advanced techniques such as inheritance and polymorphism.

So, I want to know what a good book to get for learning OOP with C++ but also using UML for design? (I have a basic understanding of UML as well)

Thanks guys!

Good book for learning UML with C++?
Here's a site which is excellent for learning UML and has all the diagrams you'll need to know:

You don't have UML with c++ because UML was designed to be independent of any language (general purpose), eg you can use uml with c++ and java.

The wiki page is quite helpful too


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