Pls suggest is for computer gaming programming java knowledgege is enough.
Pls suggest what should be done in course of self learning to be a good programmer
Have started self learning of C++. Pls refer me a book which goes from beginner to advance level.?
While the Creator's book is good, it's also dull. For a C language approach, try Expert C Programming by Peter Van Der Linden. You'll have loads, and I mean loads of fun reading it.
Don't go into complicated stuff at the beggining (STL, templates, classes). Learn the language, its peculiarities, do about a hundred simple programs, then start with classes. After about a year of practise, start doing an interesting project (maybe a file manager, a small (and I mean small) game (Battle Ships or anything that pushes your buttons).
Learn some algorithms today! While knowing a programming language gives you a degree of power, nothing is more powerful than knowing your algorithms, because then the language you use won't really matter (well, almost).
Try backtracking, greedy, divide and conquer and after you've mastered these, move to more advanced programming methods, like dynamic programming (no, I'm not talking about pointers).
Learn data structures. Basics: stacks, trees (binary, red-black, and so on), vectors, matrices, heaps, lists, queues. Implement them using classes. Implement them using templates. Probably the best book for data structures and algorithms is 'Data Structures and Algorithms' by Cormen and Co.
You'll need to learn some design language (UML?) eventually, but that's another story. Design Patterns by Gamma and Co. (The Gang of Four) comes in handy.
Reply:For gaming i dont know of any books like that but for security code and stuff try secure coding in c and C++ its a good book
Reply:"Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours"
By Sams Publishing, written by Jesse Liberty
I would suggest keeping notes as you're reading, and frequently rereading your notes. Also, doing any tutorials you come accross - however mundane they appear. Ever bit of practice will help in the long run.
Reply:The book by Stroustrup(creater of c++) is a good reference.
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