Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I know c, c++ .java &VB learning by self,now I am doing coaching classes.Give me idea for PROJECTS Work?

we are runnig small computer center since 8 years, but yet we are in problem ,I %26amp;my husbend working same, yet our achivment is nothing, now we are thinkging about PROJECTS pls anybody guide for this

I know c, c++ .java %26amp;VB learning by self,now I am doing coaching classes.Give me idea for PROJECTS Work?
how about Mp3 converters for mac osx?

its very rare kind of programs for that opreating system and it will sell amoung the college students who are the best consumers for these product
Reply:How about an xml parser or port scanner. Maybe be too easy for you but whatever, I dont know. hackthissite.org has a few cool programming missions with time limits also.
Reply:get free project desc from http://www.studyjava.org
Reply:how about design a program that will run and both flatform in php and html
Reply:I suggest you work on a n-tier application where the client(s) can be programmed in either VB or java, the business logic can be implemented using C++/COM or DCOM and to keep things interesting you can also design a DB in the back-end for data storage/retrieval

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