Monday, July 27, 2009

Learning object oriented C++?

What book(s) and/or website(s) are helpful in learning the object oriented part of C++?

Learning object oriented C++?
Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel is a good book for learning OOP. Bruce has made it available free in electronic format.
Reply:Starting with a book is best, but the most valuable tool is online C++ tutorials.

I started with a book called "C++ programming in easy steps", sorry, forgot the author's name.

But you should definitely start with a book, since you can't just copy and paste the code, this helps you learn the language.

After you have got a book and have started, just google "C++ tutorials", there are heaps of tutorials online.
Reply:Yea the previous responder is correct...the best way to learn is to get down and dirty and start coding...and the best way to do that is to work through tutorials with real code....try not to copy and paste (actually type it out and go through the hassles and frustrations -- it makes a big difference).

I too would recommend you just get read of OOP (Obect oriented Programming) in its general sense but where you will truly be learning will be when you actually write yuor own code. I remember reading a bunch of OOP books and for me it accounted for about 10% of my knowledge when things settled down and i was working on my own....but the books did help in giving me cofidence (which was important so i wouldn't abandon my efforts prematurely).


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