Monday, July 27, 2009

How hard is it to lean C or C++ programming, compared to learning HTML? Complete noob.?

I taught myself HTML almost 10 years ago now (scary!!), and it seemed pretty easy to me, not to mention fun! I've always been good at learning new programs, like flash and photoshop and all the databases I use at work I picked up on fairly quickly. My boss is always asking me to come fix her computer... But, I've never actually tried to go beyond just mastering whatever software peaks my interest. I don't even really know what the use of C or C++ IS, but I'm intrigued nonetheless! So if you could explain what the uses of those two languages are, and how easy are they to learn compared to learning html (I know you can't be specific, but are we talking addition vs. quantum physics (completely different ballpark)? or is it more of 2/4 compared to 34095096/2340923408 (same concept, just more complex), I would be eternally grateful! Also, any helpful websites?? THANKS!

How hard is it to lean C or C++ programming, compared to learning HTML? Complete noob.?
I recommend you go to wikipedia and read about them there. Note that C and C++ are different. They are connected to each other, but only in the sense that C++ tries to maintain compatibility with C.

In any case, HTML is a markup language. That is, you indicate the structure of a document. The headings, paragraphs, citations, and so forth. C++ is a programming language that can be used for systems level / OS level programs. C++ and HTML aren't even in the same basket for this reason.

Let me give you an example. You see HTML in a web browser. That web browser might have been made with C++. HTML is only comparable with other markup languages, and C++ is only comparable with other programming languages. A meaningful comparison anyway.

You should disregard nearly every other answer here. Including nicomp's (sorry nicomp, I doubt you programmed in C or C++ for so long. You wouldn't so carelessly lump C and C++ together, nor would you so carelessly equate JS and C++).

So, yes, it is a completely different ballpark. Difficulty, yes. But also purposes. The comparison between C++ and HTML is as meaningful as comparing a car to a stereo system.
Reply:Me being a student of programming from my secondary school and that of c++ since my 11th grade, i have not yet been able to be more than a student, just on knowledge basis.

i am not trying to discourage but encourage you its the field in programming that is more vast than quantum physics or space exploration.

you need not explore world to know c++ you just have to explore your own mind to be a c++ programmer.

don't worry to learn c++, its what make you what you should be in this field.

and that of comparing learning html with c++,

i can, its like buttering your toast with all the process of sowing grain to making toast + making butter by raising cattle in the farm.

The best part of C++ is that you will be learning it your entire life and you will always be its student and not a master.
Reply:thy're both different, HTML is way easier than C or C++
Reply:It's logic intensive but not much harder. I'd start with PHP web programming language if I were you. That way you can use a language that does similar things as C without leaving the platform you are familiar with.
Reply:C, C++ is infinitely harder than HTML. I taught myself HTML in 2 to 3 weeks. C, C++ I spent a whole year on. And that was with 3 other languages that I knew before then.

The thing that makes C so hard is that it is base. You have to control everything. Learning how to use pointers and prevent memory holes is a real chore..

I would suggest that you pay to take a class on it. It would be well worth what you pay for it.

I currently am working doing DBase programming for a large residential builder.
Reply:C and C++ are programming languages, HTML is a markup language. C++ evolved from C. C++ is also object oriented. C++ is still very popular while C is not commonly adopted for new development but it is still used in many legacy systems. HTML is not used for programming as an HTML expert you were not exposed to programming constructs such as loops, decisions, classes, etc.

You have probably mastered some type of scripting language if you have spent any time with HTML. If you can program in javascript, you can probably pick up C++. The syntax is somewhat similar and the concepts are overlapping.
Reply:it is hard

if it took you 1 week to learn html

it will take you 1 month to learn c

if it took you 1 month to learn html

it will take you 3-4 months to learn c

just think like this

in some schools, c is a complete course ...

and many noobs try to score an A in it

so its 4 months..
Reply:the only way to lean C or C++ is to buy a book and lean it on the shelf.
Reply:Not easy. HTML is a page display language which uses a lot of tags which are nearly intuitive to an english-speaker. Tags are rarely if ever used in C and C++. C is a very condensed language which takes the names of some of its functions from abreviations of English words (printf for print format, scanf for scan format getc for get character) and in a few cases (% for mod ?: for if) uses single characters as names for these functions.

Further, with C in particular you are getting deeper into the guts of programming, what Rudy Rucker calls the computer's DNA where the difference between data and executable code is the programmer says that it's one or another.

I'm serious. It's not that difficult for a badly-written program to try to execute the area of memory which contains Cousin Charlie's email or a bitmap of those cute kittens.

If by HTML you're including javascript and vbscript, then maybe, yes, C++ is a good next step. Generally learning to program seriously is a good next step anyhow, but you had better remember that the the interpreter which is your web browser has been protecting you from a lot of hairy stuff which compilers for those two languages in particular generally don't. After fourteen years of programming in C and C++, I am still very concerned about it, for all the jokes I make socially about being a reckless fool.

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