Monday, July 27, 2009

Learning p.c?

i know a few bits about computers but not everything im just starting to learn more things, but i want to take up a course, im after getting any software any websites anything that will help, from error codes to fixing them, from website help, to finding sorting out web problems, to.. well everything i want to know how to do everything with a computer, so if there is any software that will help (that i can download) or any webpages i can visit to read up on, it will be a great help remember anything and everything to do with computers, i want to be able to know what people are talking about when they say about computers, also i used to do a ecdl course with a company i was with and i have looked everywhere for the software to use again i bought a few discs on ecdl but they where nothing like the one i used on the course my ones talk to you, and one of the other ones you have to read it all the one i had you had to answer the questions where ca i download that one? thanx guys

Learning p.c?
for comprehensive help with vista call this...

used it myself and its brilliant.


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