Friday, July 31, 2009

If i am poor in C++ how can i learn NS2? is it very tough?howmuch i needc++,is it posible tolearn without it?

my bachelor field was electronic and electrical engineering,i am familiar with ORCAD simulation,but i am POOR in programming,specially C++,i never touch it,now i need to learn NS2 for my final project for my master,by this information about me,may i learn NS2 well? or first of all i need to learn C++,i dont have time to learn C++,please give me the idea,,that how much i must familiar with programming in NS2!?? :(.is it bad way that i start NS2,with out any information about C++.. thanks in advance.

If i am poor in C++ how can i learn NS2? is it very tough?howmuch i needc++,is it posible tolearn without it?
Just in case you have not yet discovered them, I am including a couple links below. You cannot learn C++ overnight, but you may not have to. You can probably learn much of what you need to know as you come up to speed with NS2. At a minimum, I would get a Beginner's C++ book and spend a weekend going through the first several chapters and writing practice programs. Look for a book with a practice or trial version of a C++ compiler CDROM included. If you're getting your Masters degree in electrical engineering, you should probably know the basics of C++ anyway to be well rounded, I know you may not have time for it, but try to make at least a weekend with an entry level C++ book to learn the very basics of objects, methods, classes, input/output and get some basic programs working. Once you *start* learning it, it's easy to *keep* learning it. :-) Good luck. Before you know it, you'll be focusing on NS2 and not C++ so much anymore.

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