Monday, May 24, 2010

Simple graphics in C (windows)?

I need simple and fast graphics libraries for C (NOT C++) for Windows. DirectX and OpenGL are too complicated for me now. I was thinking of using BitBlt, but maybe you have other (better) ideas... Alse, point me too some good sites for learning C.

Thank you, in advance.

Simple graphics in C (windows)?
When you say "Simple Graphics" do you mean in terms of 2D or 3D because when you said DirectX and OpenGL i began to think 3D but then you followed up with BitBlt which, unless their is a program with the same name, that is a graphic processing technique in the 2D realm.

In any regard i'd think it best for you to explore 2D graphics manipulation first before dipping into the deep end of 3D algortihms (interestingly 3D all involves grade 11 math so its not that difficult -- and with DX and OpenGL they do all that for you already).

Ah, i see you mention you dont have C experience. Good idea to stay clear from C++ for now...

A killer book to check out is antyhing from Deitel....oh my god they are detailed in explaining a computer the point of being overkill actually. I am not sure if they do C anymore, but they do have a C++ version which sadly is not what you want :(

Here is a site giving an introduction to C...i just reviewed it and yea it pretty much covers what you need to know:

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